Monday, 27 December 2010

Is it time for a resolution

Alas Christmas is over, and the new year is approaching. So common to the season, it's time to apply all reason and think of resolutions which could become solutions for a better year. Twenty-Eleven is the year of the Rabbit, what inspiration can be gained from such a beast, it's habitat of meadows, forests and wetlands, may encourage a renewed respect of nature, and a wish to spend less time in the confounds of the metropolis. Or a life underground in warrrens or burrows may symbolise a need to dig deep and cushion oneself through the difficult time which may ensue. It's long ears primarily for detecting predators highlights the value of listening either to others, out for danger or simply to pay more attentions, as it is said we have "two ears but only one mouth" for a reason.

It is with little doubt that the new year will bring new and unexpected challenges, new frontiers to explore as every year brings, and  we are to be comforted in the knowledge that nowhere stands still, and opportunities are everywhere, the Rabbit symbolises Spring and fertility, it's foot is considered lucky and in some parts of the world it is associated with innocence and youthfulness.

It is also known as the trickster, disobeying normal rules and conventional behaviour, in a time where convention is neatly veiled and the behaviour of those that lead us leaks through the cracks, we should be weary of those who wish to trick with treats or blind with words. A cliche but nonetheless for "evil to prevail all we need is for good people to do nothing", in times of financial instability, inter-generation disadvantage, religious intolerance and distinction between a deserving and undeserving poor, we would be better place to remember this maxim.

It must also not be forgotten the need for family, neighbours, friends, our communities, to share our happiness, pain, joy and disappointment with all those important in our life, as many will join 2011, and some will leave it, but for the most part we will experience this year together.

In closing, it's a new year, it's a gift, a present, not to be compared with those received previously or those received by others. it's a personal plead to do the best for oneself, to make everyday matter and distinct from the last, to not be consumed by the obligations of the day to day, to be both long and short-sighted with ones actions and ultimately to make it count!

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