Thursday 18 November 2010

Peanuts and teenage vampire series

These are a few of my favourite things...
Thursday is script writing day and always both enlightening and tiring experience. No synopsis submission, and I've changed my story, to the story I dreamt about, don't know how it ends, is more of a blur now and I keep changing my mind.

I probably need a good nights sleep, collect my thoughts then begin to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard!)

Another mini highlight today was my Ciao Bella facebook chat with F, I felt completely lifted and energised on a otherwise dreary day.

Maybe I am the unreasonable, inflexible object and I am simply projecting this image onto others, I am started to be pre-occupied with base level thoughts and acting complete robotic instead of challenging or question requests or actions. I guess it better not to question and just to do!

Saturday 6 November 2010

Screaming screenplay

After watching my first attempt at an 8mm short (at I have been reinvigorated with a sense of urgency about making films. 4pm on a Saturday, and oh some much to do, I was meant to go shopping for animation clay, a pair of shoes and maybe some skinny jeans a la Preston from Ordinary Boy. But alas it was not to be, instead, I wrote or attempted to write by autumn term screen play, deadline is 16th December, but am I going to go against the normal and not leave writing it until the last minute. well, i was also planing to film it before Christmas. My initial idea about a man in a waiting room was not received particularly well on Thursday, hhhm so I guess it back to square one in terms of story.
Maybe today would be best spent reading the course materials, catching up on some Italian compiti and planing next weekend filming project.

As the wise lance corporal Jason once told me, never presume or assume something about anyone, maybe I should order the clay on amazon, & learn more about stop-motion animation...